Convergence is a classic improv game for two or more players. In the two-player version, the players each think of a random word, count down from three, and shout their word at the same time. Then, each player thinks of a new word that somehow connects the last two words, and again, count down and shout their word. This continues until the players "converge" upon the same word, at which point the game is won!

This app lets you play games of Convergence with gpt-3.5-turbo, a large language model from OpenAI. The gameplay works as you might expect: type a word, press enter, and then try to converge with GPT in as few guesses as possible! It's worth noting that the GPT player will avoid re-guessing a word from the most recent two, but it's allowed to guess words used earlier in the game.

While GPT is great at Convergence and makes a fantastic playmate, please keep in mind that everything is more fun with real humans. Get some practice here, then convince a few friends to play Convergence with you in person! I promise you won't be disappointed.

Made with love by Matt Nichols. Source code here!



(your word here)
Close enough! Play again?